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Geperst wiel/glasvezel Ø125x22 SA5/VE5st/ per stuk

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The SAG is the absolute “missing link” between grinding and high-gloss polishing of round pieces. The flexible unitized material also adapts perfectly to the shape of the workpiece, allowing you to grind away any scratches or minor damage from your workpiece.

Long lifespan, resistance to angles, open web structure, free of iron, does not leave any residue, adapts itself to the workpiece, grinds cooler,…

Increased productivity, can be used in multiple applications, prevents clogging, no contamination of the workpiece, even finish, prevents damage and burnt areas.

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*Bedrag exclusief BTW en transport, levertermijn enkel op voorraadsartikelen
Ⓒ 2024 On Request